
力凈智能科技 洗衣房的全面解決方案
全國服務(wù)熱線 158-2025-1513
HAS-2 Vacuum stain-removal machine is one part of our dry-cleaning, washing and ironing equipment, adaptable to hotels, restaurants, as well as washing centers. With its high stain-removal and abluent-saving capacities, it’s undoubtedly an ideal washing tool.
1、性能特點 (Capacities)
HAS-2 machine erases the dirtiness by high vacuum, cold and heat steamer, equipped with two cold-steamed and one heat-steamed gun. The surface and the water tank are made of qualified stainless steel, which is practical and durable. Besides, the machine can be separated and reassembled, convenient for transportation and repair.
With a special plate to hold the cleanser, no mistake can be made when putting the cleanser on the right place of the plate before use.
When using the gun, please keep a distance from the target in case of damage. Keep tide of the brush and bottle. Clear the cleanser and other dirties after one clothes, to make sure dirties can’t transfer from one to another. In case of depigmentation, clear the table with a towel, and keep the new away from the water. When beating the clothes, keep the brush wet. Please bear in mind that it’s the cleanser, not the movement that works.
3、去漬劑品種(kinds of cleansers)
1.oil-based paint cleanser 2. volatile, dry solvent 3.albumen cleanser 4.acetate 5. dampness cleanser 6.tannin cleanser 7.acetic acid 8.deruster 9.ammonia 10.bleach
4、安裝注意事項(installation )
Fix the bracket, tighten the screw
(2)去漬臺便于運輸及包裝,使用前請把7字不銹鋼管安裝在本機后邊已固定的螺栓,裝緊即可;(2) convenient transportation and table, please use packing before 7 stainless steel pipe installation in the back of the bolt, already fixed tightly then,
This machine is convenience to transport and pack, before use, please install the 7 stainless steel pipe in the back of the fixed bolt, then fix tightly.
the steam source connects the magnet valve directly
air compressor connects air filter
this machine needs the support of steam source from the air compressor)